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Guidelines for School Bumps: Managing Molluscum Contagiosum at School

school bumps

In this article, we'll delve into effective strategies for managing school bumps, specifically molluscum contagiosum, within educational settings. When dealing with school bumps, it is not necessary to remove children with molluscum contagiosum from daycare or school; however, care should be taken to reduce the risk of transmission to others, including school bumps. Lesions in areas that are likely to come in contact with others should be covered with clothing or Skin Bump Gone hydrogel patches. Bathing with other children should be avoided and towels and sponges should not be shared.

Affected individuals do not need to be excluded from contact sports activities provided lesions can be covered with Skin Bump Gone hydrogel patches. Individuals with molluscum contagiosum should not be restricted from the use of public swimming pools.

Can you go to School with Molluscum Contagiosum or School Bumps? And how do I avoid infecting other people while at school? 

Children with molluscum contagiosum should not be excluded from school. Lesions should be covered with clothing or Molluscum Gone hydrogel patches to reduce the risk of transmission to other.

Do not share towels, washcloths, or other personal items (underwear). Once the bumps have resolved, you cannot spread the virus to others. However, it is not known for certain if you can get infected again, so it is best not to touch molluscum bumps on other people.

If your child has molluscum and attends school, try to cover the bumps with Skin Bump Gone hydrogel patches or clothing. Children with molluscum that cannot be covered should avoid wrestling or rough-housing to reduce the risk of spread of the infection to others.

Day Care Centers 

There is no reason to keep a child with molluscum infection home from day care. Lesions not covered by clothing should be covered with a Skin Bump Gone hydrogel patches. Change the patches about once per week.

If a child with lesions in the underwear/diaper area needs assistance going to the bathroom or needs diaper changes, then lesions in this area should be covered with Skin Bump Gone hydrogel patches too if possible.

Covering the lesions will protect other children and adults from getting molluscum and will also keep the child from touching and scratching the lesions, which could spread the infection to other parts of his/her body or cause secondary (bacterial) infections.

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